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Beyond the School Day Programs are a collection of free, diverse before and after school programs where APS students of all ages (K-12) can participate in fun, enriching experiences!  Our nurturing environment and experienced teachers are here to help your child stay busy and motivated beyond the school day, throughout the school year.   Students get to:

  • Engage in an enriching, youth-centered environment
  • Collaborate with fellow students
  • Express creativity
  • Gain valuable, real-world experience
  • Learn essential skills in conflict management and self-expression
  • Create lasting memories and friendships

To Register:

Akron Public Schools uses SchoolJoy online registrations.  Please follow the directions below for activating a new account and registering students.  

  1. Activate your account (Video or print instructions)
  2. Register your student on SchoolJoy (Video or print instructions)

Need help?  Email or call 330-761-3067. 

Featured Program

Akron After School is a nationally recognized program that provides math and reading support to academically at-risk children, as well as opportunities for exploring new activities and interests. More than 2,500 students participate in weekly programs in all APS elementary schools.

 Akron After School

Beyond the School Day Programs